Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

webinar: Research & Development and Emerging Technologies to Foster Clean Energy Transition

Oct 13, 2021 | Scientific events, M-S Collections

Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Faculté de Génie Électrique et d’Informatique

Laboratoire de Conception et de Conduite de Systèmes de Production

La Faculté du Génie Electrique et d’Informatique et le Laboratoire de recherche L2CSP de l’Université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-ouzou organisent un Webinaire qui sera animé par Dr. Chaouki Ghenai (Maître de Conférences, Université de Sharjah, Émirats Arabes Unis).

Thème du webinaire :

Research & Development and Emerging Technologies to Foster Clean Energy Transition

Résumé :

The future of the energy sector will be sustainable and cleaner (decarbonization), smart and intelligent (digitalization), and based on distributed and connected energy systems (decentralization). The decarbonization or transition to low-carbon energy systems is based on the shift from traditional fossil fuel-based energy systems to clean energy systems using renewable resources. This shift consists in the transition from high-carbon to low-and zero carbon fuels energy carriers; the integration of more energy efficient systems; the development of innovative and sustainable energy systems for transportation, and the development of carbon sequestration and storage technologies. The transition to digital energy systems is needed for energy generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption. The digitalization of energy systems will include the deployment of smart metering systems, big data and analytics, internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence, machine learning, remote control and optimization methods and strategies. It will also comprise connectivity and integration; cyber security; new business models, as well as new tools for customer engagement in the energy systems (block chain for energy sector). The transition to digital technologies is a key factor for intelligent, flexible, reliable, and responsive energy systems. Moreover, the decentralization of energy systems is crucial for the transition to distributed generation using renewable energy resources, energy storage, and micro-grids. Decentralization is actually very important for the diversification of energy resources, energy security (reduce risks of energy costs), improvement in energy conversion efficiency (generation close to point of consumption), augmentation of resource efficiency, and environmental sustainability, in addition to providing new opportunities for business and economic growth. This presentation will review the 3-Ds energy model, research projects to support the energy transition, and new energy emerging technologies.

La conférence aura lieu le lundi 10 mai 2021 à 10h00. Le Webinaire sera modéré par Mr Mansouri RachidProfesseur au département d’électrotechnique, Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-ouzou.

Pour participer au Webinaire merci de remplir le formulaire d’inscription.

Pour toute information complémentaire, veuillez contacter Pr. Mansouri Rachid (email :

Short biography :

Dr. Chaouki Ghenai is an Associate Professor at the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering Department (SREE), College of Engineering; Coordinator of the Sustainable Energy Development Research Group (SEDRG), Center for Sustainable Energy and Power Systems (CSEPS) at the Research Institute for Sciences and Engineering (RISE), and the Chairman of the Research Funding Department at the Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies, University of Sharjah. Dr. Chaouki Ghenai received his PhD and Master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Orleans University, Orleans, France and Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Constantine University, Constantine, Algeria. Before Joining the University of Sharjah, Dr. Chaouki Ghenai was an Assistant Professor at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida and Project Manager at the Applied Research Centre, Miami, Florida. He worked also as a post doc at Cornel University (Ithaca, New York), and Research Associate at Kansas State University (Manhattan, Kansas), and University of California Los Angeles (Los Angeles, California). He received several teaching and research awards including: Distinguished Faculty Research Award, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE (2018), Award for Excellence and Innovation in Undergraduate Teaching, Florida Atlantic University, Florida, USA (2010), Dubai Award for Sustainable Transport (2019), 7th Sharjah Sustainability Award , and 6th Sharjah Sustainability Award (Green Campus). Dr. Chaouki Ghenai has published more than 130 research papers in technical journals, book chapters, and books. His research interests are renewable energy (bioenergy, solar, wind, and fuel cell), energy efficiency (building, transportation, industry), energy transition (Decarbonization, Digitalization, and Decentralization of the energy sector), combustion (solid, liquid an gas fuels), biofuels, alternative fuels (biogas, syngas, bio-oil, biodiesel, hydrogen), clean combustion technologies, waste to energy (pyrolysis, gasification, anaerobic digestion), sustainability, eco-design, energy-water nexus, energy planning and climate change mitigation assessment, and modeling and simulation of micro gird power systems and air pollution.

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