Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Notice of defense of the doctoral thesis in Medical Sciences of Mrs. BOUCHAIB Hayet

Jan 14, 2019 | Notice of defense, Diplôme d'études médicales spéciales/DESM

Notice of defense of the doctoral thesis in Medical Sciences of Mrs. BOUCHAIB Hayet

Doctor BOUCHAIB Hayet, will publicly present her doctoral thesis (D.E.S.M) in Medical Sciences, entitled: " Ranking of rickettsial diseases among eruptive fevers in the Tizi Ouzou wilaya "The : Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at the Tizi-Ouzou C.H.U. auditorium at 09:00.Thesis director Pr. AMRANE Achour Department of Infectious Diseases E.H.S. EL AADI FLICI (EL KETTAR) ALGIERS

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