Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Rector's biography  

Professor BOUDA obtained his Baccalauréat in June 1981 from the Lycée Debbih Cherif d'Akbou, his Diplôme d'Etude Supérieure (D.E.S) in Physics from the University of Sétif in June 1985, and his Doctorate in Theoretical Physics from the University of Bordeaux I in June 1989. In September 1989, he joined the University of Béjaia, where he was promoted to the rank of Professor on 07/15/2002. He held the position of Head of the Exact Sciences Department for three years, and Vice-Rector in charge of Graduate Training, University Accreditation, Scientific Research and Post-Graduate Training for seven years. He has also held the positions of Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Physics Department, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Science and Engineering and Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Exact Sciences.

Professor BOUDA has directed several research projects and published numerous articles in international journals in the fields of String Theory, Quantum Mechanics and Relativity (Special and General), listed in the prestigious "Web of Sciences" database. He is also the author of a book published by OPU entitled "La MÉCANIQUE - Notions de Bases et Applications".

Professor BOUDA held the position of Rector from May 03, 2020 to May 05, 2021 at the Université Abderrahmane MIRA in Béjaia, and has held the same position since May 06, 2021 at the Université Mouloud MAMMERI in Tizi Ouzou.

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