Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Celebration of National Book and Library Day

June 2, 2022 | Library

Celebration of National Book and Library Day
Tuesday, June 07, 2022 at the Hasnaoua-2 university library.

الاحتفال باليوم الوطني للكتاب و المكتبة
يوم 07 جوان2022 بالمكتبة الجامعية حسناوة-2

To celebrate National Book and Library Day, the university library of Tizi-Ouzou's Mouloud MAMMERI University, located at Hasnaoua2, will be holding a day of activities on Tuesday, June 07, 2022, with the following program:

Exhibition and display area :09h00 to 16h30


Book exhibition with the participation of several publishing houses.
-Exhibition of books on library science and documentary science (existing books in the university library)
-Slideshow on the university library.


- Organizational chart
- Library rules and regulations
- Library data sheet
- Library holdings
- Reader's guide
- Library services
- Links to digital resources.
-9h00mn : 09h30mn : Visit of the exhibition spaces

Official opening

09h30mn : 09h40mn : Word from the Director of the University Library
-09h40mn : 09h50mn : Word from the Rector of the University.
-09h50mn :10h10mn : Communication : " La production littéraire amazigh entre hier et aujourd'hui ", presented by Dr. LAOUFI Amar and Dr. CHEMAKH SAID (teachers, researchers at UMMTO).
10:10am: 10:30am: Presentation on "the place of digital books in higher education" by Ms AMRAR Nora, PhD, teacher and researcher in the library science department, University of Algiers-2 -
- 10:30am:10h50mn: Paper " دور المكتبة الجامعية و مساهمتها في تطوير مهارات الإبداع عند الطلبة "will be presented by Mr. LAADJAL Hamza, researcher and teacher in the library science department at UMMTO.
-10h50mn : 11h10mn : Communication " autour du livre braille " presented by Mr CHEREF Moussa Responsable administratif.
-11h10mn-12h00mn : Communication : " حماية الكتاب و أمن المكتبات " presented by Mme AMROUCHE Karima, Doctorante en bibliothéconomie and Mme HAKEM Sadjia, Conservatrice de bibliothèques universitaires.
12h00mn-12h30mn : Débat.
-16h30mn : Clôture.

The entire university community is welcome.

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