Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Mechanics, Structures and Energy Laboratory (LMSE)

National publications LMSE laboratory

Energy Resources Energy

1- Hayat HAMOUCHE, Said MAKHLOUF, Mourad LAGHROUCHE. Study and characterization of keratin fibers obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of sheep's wool. Journal of Materials, Processes and Environment May edition. Vol.4. No.1 (2016) ISSN : 2335-1020.

 2- R. Nebbali, S. Makhlouf, Determination of the temperature field distribution in the soil by a semi-analytical model. Conditions aux limites pour les besoins de simulation d'une serre de culture. Revue des Energies Renouvelables CER'07 Oujda (2007) 255 - 258.