Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

National seminar on the theme: Algeria's agrifood industry: potential and challenges at the Center for Systems and Networks (Hasnaoua 2), October 27 - 28, 2021

Jan 27, 2021 | Scientific events, M-S Collections

Call for papers

1 Seminar issues 

The health crisis engendered by the Covid-19 pandemic has just reminded us that our productive system is weak and, at the same time, fragile because of its dependence on imported inputs from abroad. Against a backdrop of global economic recession, and with most borders closed, Algeria can only rely on itself, but with few productive resources to manage in the face of ever-growing needs.

Needless to say, to reduce the food bill, we need to increase national production, which requires a major investment effort in agriculture and the processing industry. The development of the agri-food industry therefore takes on a strategic dimension, and as many projects as possible need to be initiated in order, on the one hand, to replace imports and, on the other, to ensure food security. The question of boosting productive investment and creating new businesses to densify the economic fabric is of prime importance here.

  2. seminar themes

Focus 1: Agrifood activities in Algeria: current situation and outlook

Axis 2: Food security and reduction of food imports

Axis 3: Importance of the agri-food industry/agriculture interface

Focus 4: Impact of the health crisis on the agri-food business

Axis 5: Territorial anchoring of agri-food activities

Focus 6: Entrepreneurship in the agri-food industry

Parallel papers may also be accepted if they correspond to the general theme of the seminar.

Honorary Chairman

Professor DAOUDI Smail, Rector of UMMTO

Honorary President

Professor MATMAR Dalila, Dean of the FSECSG of UMMTO

Seminar Chairman

Dr MOUSSAOUI Abdelhakim, Senior Lecturer-A at UMMTO


January 20, 2021Call for papers launched
March 04, 2021Deadline for receipt of abstracts in accordance with the paper proposal form below
April 22, 2021Notification of scientific committee opinions to authors
June 24, 2021Deadline for receipt of the full text of the paper
September 16, 2021Deadline for receipt of Power-Point presentations
October 27-28, 2021Seminar date

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