Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Notice of national open tender with minimum capacity requirements N°06/VRDPO/UMMTO/2022

4 Juil 2022 | AO VRDPO, Appels d'Offres

The University Mouloud MAMMERI Tizi-Ouzou (UMMTO) is launching a national open call for tenders with minimum capacity requirements, subject "Acquisition, installation and commissioning of equipment for the medium voltage (30 kv) substation supplying the Hasnaoua I campus at the University Mouloud MAMMERI Tizi-Ouzou".

Interested candidates can obtain the specifications, in digital format, from UMMTO at the Vice Rectorat chargé du Développement, de la Prospective et de l'Orientation (VRDPO) 5th floor, Tour rectorale, Hasnaoua I.

Technical capabilities: at least one previous production of the subject of the specifications or of a similar subject, justified by ABE;

Professional skills: have a trade register in the field covered by the specifications;

Financial capacity: average sales over the last 05 years of two million dinars or more.

For companies created from 2018 onwards, average sales are calculated over the number of years since the year of creation.

Tenders must be submitted in a sealed, anonymous envelope in the form of 03 separate folders:

1/The application file contains: the declaration of candidacy, the declaration of probity, the articles of association for companies, the documents relating to the powers of attorney empowering the persons to bind the company, balance sheets for the last 05 financial years approved by the tax authorities, and bank references, copy of the current valid trade register.

2/Technical offer contains: A declaration to be subscribed, description of parts and supplies, a supporting technical memorandum as indicated in the specifications, commitment to warranty, after-sales service, training, lead time, rehabilitation of the electrical substation niche in accordance with the commitment sheet attached as an appendix to the specifications, minutes of the site visit to the installation of the equipment, support for the description of the equipment by visual means and prototypes on CD, the specifications bearing on the last page the handwritten words "read and accepted".

3/The financial offer contains: the letter of tender, the unit price schedule and the estimate. The sealed main envelope must not bear any external inscriptions other than the following: (Université Mouloud Mammeri, HASNAOUA I, Tizi-Ouzou ;

"(To be opened only by the bid opening and evaluation committee; Avis d'appel d'offres national ouvert avec exigence de capacités minimales N°06/UMMTO/VRDPO/2022; OBJECT : " Acquisition, installation et mise en marche des équipements de poste électrique moyen tension (30 kv) assurant l'alimentation du campus Hasnaoua I à l'Université Mouloud MAMMERI Tizi-Ouzou ").

The tender preparation period is set at twenty (20) days from the date of first publication of the tender notice in national daily newspapers or BOMOP. The deadline for submission of bids is 24/07/2022 before 10:30 am. Tenders must be submitted to the VRDPO on the 5th floor, Tour rectorale, Hasnaoua I.

Tenders will be opened on 24/07/2022 at 11:00 a.m. in the meeting room (6th floor), Tour Rectorale, Hasnaoua I. The bid validity period is equal to the bid preparation period plus 3 months from the bid opening date.

Download thecall for tenders

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