Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Notice of Consultation N° 02 /UMMTO/FLL/2021

25 Apr 2021 | AO FLL, Tenders

The Faculty of Letters and Languages at the Mouloud MAMMERI University in Tizi-Ouzou is launching a call for tenders for " maintenance and repair work on administrative and teaching buildings", as part of the operating budget for 2021 operating budget.
22/18 Item 01.
The specifications are structured as a single lot:

Single lot: fiber optic repair work at the Faculty of Arts and Languages

This consultation will be published on the UMMTO website and posted publicly.
All qualified bidders in the field may submit bids for this consultation. The specifications must be collected from the secretariat of the deanship of the Faculty of Letters and Languages of the University Mouloud MAMMERI of Tizi-Ouzou, Campus Hasnaoua I.
Tenders must be submitted to
secretariat of the Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Languages in a single sealed envelope marked "A NE PAS OUVRIR PAS OUVRIR " Consultation n°02/UMMTO/FLL/2021and the title of the consultation.

A period of five (05) days is granted to bidders to prepare and submit their bids to the secretariat of the Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Languages at Campus Hasnaoua I from from 25/04/2021
The deadline for submission of bids is 29/04/2021 à 10HOO.
The opening of bids will take place on the same day as bid submission. 29/04/2021 à 10H30 mn at the office of the vice-dean in charge of studies and pedagogical issues at 2
th floor of the Faculty's administrative block.
Tenderers who wish to do so may attend or delegate their representative to attend the bid opening session.
Tenders are valid for a period equal to the preparation period plus three months from the date of tender opening.

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