Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Reconsultation notice N°08 bis/FSBSA/UMMTO/2018

17 Avr 2018 | AO FSBSA, Appels d'Offres

Avis de consultation N°08 bis/FSBSA/UMMTO/2018

La Faculté des Sciences Biologiques et des Sciences Agronomiques de l’Université « Mouloud MAMMERI » de Tizi-Ouzou lance une consultation portant sur Fourniture de Titres de transport par Voie Aérienne dans le cadre du budget de fonctionnement 2018, Chapitre 22-19art : 01,02 et 03Le cahier des charges est structuré en un lot unique à savoir :Fourniture de Titres de transport par Voie Aérienne »Suppliers interested in the present consultation are invited to obtain the specifications from the General Secretariat of the Faculty of Biological Sciences and Agronomic Sciences. This consultation notice will be published on the UMMTO website: www.ummto.dzand public display.Tenders must be submitted in a single closed and anonymous envelope bearing only the words "To be opened only by the tender opening and evaluation committee, Consultation n°08BIS/FSBSA/UMMTO/2018 bearing: " Fourniture de Titres de transport par Voie Aérienne "The file must include the following documents:
  • Application form 
  • Copy of tax identification ;
  • Copy of statistical identification ;
  • Copy of trade register ;
  • Copy of audited or scheduled statement of account dated less than one month before the date of submission;
  • Criminal record less than three months old at the date of submission;
  • Up-to-date certificates issued by CASNOS and CNAS (originals) ;
  • Declaration of probity duly completed, signed, dated and sealed ;
  • Declaration of candidacy duly completed, signed, dated and sealed;
  • Copie du statut de l’établissement;
  • Financial statements for the last three years, accompanied by profit and loss statements (TCR) ;
  • List of human and material resources and professional references.
  • Technical offer file :
  • Declaration to be completed, signed, dated and sealed ;
  • Bank account number and address ;
  • Certificates of satisfactory performance for the last three years;
  • List of specifications;
  • Financial offer
  • Letter of tender duly completed, dated, signed and sealed
  • Dated, signed and stamped breakdown of quantities and estimates
  • Dated, signed and sealed unit price schedule
A delay of Neuf(09)jours is granted to bidders to prepare and submit their bids from15/04/ 2018.The deadline for submission of tenders is 23/04/2018 à 10h00mn at the General Secretariat of the Faculty of Biological and Agricultural Sciences, HASNAOUA II.Bidders may attend the opening of bids, which will take place on the same day as the deadline for submission of bids, on 23/04/2018 à 10h30mnat the General Secretariat of the Faculty of Biological and Agricultural Sciences, HASNAOUA II.The period of validity of the offers is equal to the period of preparation of the offers increased by three months as from the date of opening of the bids.

Document joint:[wp-svg-icons icon= »file-pdf » wrap= »h3″] Avis de consultation n°8 bis      

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