Les étudiants en première année 2024/2025 (nouveaux bacheliers) de département suivante: Département Sciences Technologie ( L1 ) Département...
Registration E-Learning 2023/2024
2023/2024 first-year students (new baccalaureate holders) from the following departments: Computer Science (Engineering) Department...
Philosophy of science course N°9 for doctoral students
As part of the implementation of initial postgraduate training, please find below a link to Philosophy course N°09...
Philosophy of science course N°3 for doctoral students
As part of the implementation of initial postgraduate training, please find below a link to Philosophy course N°03...
Philosophy of science course N°8 for doctoral students
As part of the implementation of initial postgraduate training, please find below a link to Philosophy course N°08...
Philosophy of Science Course N°06 for doctoral students
As part of the implementation of initial postgraduate training, please find below a link to Philosophy course N°06...
Philosophy courses N°04 and 05 for new post-graduate students
As part of the implementation of the initial postgraduate training program for new doctoral students, you will find the...
E-Learning: Teacher training
As part of the activities of the Digital Strategy Office, the Systems and Networks Center is organizing a series of training courses on the use of...
Distance learning training
As part of the distance learning courses on the Moodle platform launched by UMMTO's Center for Systems and Networks, which...