Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Lecture by Professor Islam Boussaada

Nov 23, 2023 | Scientific events

We are pleased to inform you that a conference on " Partial pole placement of infinite-dimensional systems: New perspectives on hypergeometric functions " will be hosted by le Professeur Islam Boussaada, Professor of Applied Mathematics and Control Theory at IPSA, Associate Researcher at Inria and the Signals and Systems Laboratory (L2S) at the University of Paris Saclay, France.

The conference will take place on November 23, 2023, at 14h, in the conference room of the Faculty of Science (Bastos).

This scientific event is part of the research activities of Laboratoire de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (LMPA) of the Mathematics Department.

The university community is cordially invited.

Conference abstract: Recently, in the context of the study of the exponential stability of systems governed by functional differential equations, a new link between degenerate hypergeometric functions and the distribution of zeros of the characteristic function associated with linear delay differential equations has been demonstrated. This allowed the characterization of a property of delay systems known as "multiplicity-induced dominance", which opened up a new direction in the design of low-complexity control not only for delay systems but also for certain classes of partial differential equations using an idea of partial pole placement.

In this talk, after a reminder of a few prerequisites, the fundamentals of a pole placement methodology will be presented, followed by open questions. 

Applications such as the active control of vibrations in flexible structures and the modeling of the central nervous system's effect on human balance will highlight the benefits of the proposed control strategy. 

Finally, features of a new dedicated software called " P3δ "( will be presented.

This presentation will focus on the results of joint methodological work with Silviu Niculescu (L2S, Université Paris-Saclay), Guilherme Mazanti (L2S, Université Paris-Saclay) and Wim Michiels (NUMA, KU Leuven), and on the results of joint application work with Sami Tliba (L2S, Université Paris-Saclay).

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